Students in Action

A Visit to the Glass Factory!
As part of our unit "How We Express Ourselves" we visited the Glass Factory. Students had a chance to see different types of sculptures made of glass and even how glass blowers use heat to melt and change the shape of the glass. Students even had the chance to create their own places using blunt glass pieces. 

Making a map of Istanbul

As part of our inquiry unit "The City I live In", we looked at maps of Istanbul. Students also shared what neighborhood they lived in and used this information to determine whether they lived near or far from their other classmates. We made a large class map of Istanbul!
The students are drawing and cutting out trees for the parks they see around the city. 

More trees...

The students drew their homes on white rectangular paper and placed them in their perspective neighborhoods. I drew the two main bridges that connect the European side to the Asian side. They did such a wonderful job on the map :)


The Magic Box
For our unit "Who We Are", we looked at healthy and unhealthy foods. The students passed around a "magic" box to the music. Once the music stops they can open the box and pick a card. They placed the foods under the unhappy face if they were unhealthy and the happy face if they were healthy.
The magic box game is a great way to do a quick informal pre-assessment and can also be used as an ongoing assessment. 

Students are checking their progress so far.

Hmm...what about coca-cola?


Finding out about what your classmates can and can't do!
Students went around and took a survey of what the people in their class can and can't do.

Making a book on how to be responsible.
The students are working on their cover page which is a picture of themselves. It has been annotated with their descriptions of themselves.


Learning about healthy and unhealthy tooth habits is important!

Students worked in small groups to create a poster. They drew foods that are good and bad for your teeth on the happy and sad teeth.

Making Fruit Salad!
Our unit "Who We Are" encompasses the attitude of being responsible. As part of our introduction to our unit we made a fruit salad with a bit of homemade whip cream.
Cutting up the fruit.

Our little chefs were great at making the whip cream, it tasted wonderful.
The final product.

 Who wants seconds?

             At the start of the year we pre-assess to see where the students are in their speaking, letter recognition and motor skill ability.             

Students are asked to explain what is happening in the picture and teacher's write whatever is said. It is a great way to compare at the end of the year when repeat it as a post assessment.

During orientation we work a lot on colors and numbers. Particularly for new language learners (many if not sometimes most of our students) this time proves most helpful in getting them acquired with the language and classroom.